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Nordic Craft Week

Nordic Craft Week is an annual campaign on Facebook celebrating Nordic handicraft. For a week each autumn the Nordic countries come together to showcase both the unique local variations and our shared cultural heritage. Nordic Craft Week was first held in 2018 and is initiated by the Nordic Folk Art and Craft Federation (NFACF).

For norsk, se lenger ned.

Traditional Norwegian wedding mittens. Nordic Craft Week 2019.

The Nordic countries have in common long-standing craft traditions. Nordic Craft Week aspires to showcase these rich and diverse traditions and share the joy of making. Over the course of a week each autumn, there is a flood of activity on the Nordic Craft Week Facebook page. These are resources that are open and accessible throughout the year, for inspiration and pleasure for all who are interested.

Nordic Craft Week is a collaboration between the craft organisations in the Nordic countries. The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association contribute together with the Swedish Hemslöjden, the Danish Fora, the Finnish Taito, the Icelandic Craft Association, the Faroe Island Craft Association and the Estonian craft association Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liit. The campaign is initiated by the Nordic Folk Art and Craft Federation (NFACF), established in 1927.

Follow Nordic Craft Week on Facebook.


Nordic Craft Week 2023 – Linen, the Nordic Silk

The theme for Nordic Craft Week 2023 is “Linen/Flax”. Throughout the week we will explore how it Linen/Flax being grown and used in the Nordic countries today.

Linen used to be a large industry in Europe. As the growth of synthetic materials grew, and production flagged out to third world countries the demand for locally produced fell. This resulted in fewer local practitioners. As the linen industry requires a lot of specialized skills, many of them are in danger of being lost with fewer practitioners.

In 2019 Swedish Hemslöjden initiated the project 1 sqm flax. With this they planted a seed that has grown a large interest all over the Nordic countries—literally! Norway, Finland and Estonia all now have their own national 1sqm flax / 1 kvm lin-projects. We see a newfound interest for the plant and the fabric, and hope this will help preserve valuable knowledge and skills for the future.

UNs Sustainable Development Goal 12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is key to sustain the livelihoods of current and future generations. Understanding how materials like linen are made, their unique properties and how to take care of them is of great value.: Knowing how to repair, wash and take care of them. It also lets you make more informed purchases as a consumer.


Nordic Craft Week 2022 – Traditional Knitted Sweaters

The theme for Nordic Craft Week 2022 is “Traditional Knitted Sweaters”. Keeping warm using wool is a craft the Nordic peoples have a lot of practice at, this practice is passed down from generation to generation, from master to apprentice, and from friend to friend. Intricate, symbolic, and complex patterns began to develop and blossom into the traditional sweaters we have throughout the Nordics today.

Norway wishes to highlight Bynestrøya, a 160-year-old knitted sweater from Byneset in Trondheim. This sweater has been handed down from generation to generation, and is still in good condition—over 160 years later. Byneset Husflidslag have been fortunate enough to borrow the sweater, to examine, document and reconstruct it. They’ve counted stitches, marked increases, determined gauge, studied the yarn and colours, and traced the patterns. Local spinning mill Selbu Spinneri has even spun a new type of yarn which corresponds with the yarn used in the original sweater: A three-ply, hard-spun yarn of Dala and crossbreed.

Byneset Husflidslag and Selbu Spinneri hosts a webinarSeptember 1st, where they talk about the process of documenting and reconstruction a 160-year-old garment. You’ll learn about Halt-Marit (born 1800), the woman behind the very first sweater, and the Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association’s red list on traditional craft techniques. The knitting pattern is free and will be made available during Nordic Craft Week.

Norwegian Knitting Traditions
The technique of knitting found its way to Norway in the 16th century. As knitting became more common knitted stockings also became standard dress for most. The first knitted cardigans were knitted at the start of the 19th century. Learn more in In this presentation you’ll be presented these cardigans as we see them in paintings and photographs. As well as older sweaters that have been preserved. The traditions of cardigan knitting are still alive and well in Norway, and many of the sweaters that are knitted today are inspired by these old garments. Learn about Norway’s sweater traditions during Nina Granlund Sæther’s presentation during our webinar August 31st.

Download the free knitting patterns here:
Denmark, FORA – Anchers Trøje
Estonia, Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liit – Kihnu troi
Finland, Taito – Korsnäs Sweater
Iceland, Heimilisiðnaðarfélag Íslands – Gjöf 
Norway, Norges Husflidslag – Bynestrøya ENG
Norway, Norges Husflidslag – Bynestrøya NO
Norway, Norges Husflidslag – Bynestrøya Adjustments Tilpasninger
Sweden, Hemslöjden – Ullared Kids Sweater


Nordic Craft Week 2021 – Hands On
The theme for Nordic Craft Week 2021 is “Hands On”. It all starts with our hands. With our hands we hold the materials and grasp the tools, and with our hands we build experience and hone our skills. Through generations tacit knowledge has been passed through hand to hand. The result is the varied and wonderful handicraft traditions we see throughout the Nordic countries today.

The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association shared how we work specifically with young people and cross-cultural connection.

“Creating something with your hands and simple hand-tools gives deep satisfaction. Introducing young people to traditional handicrafts has many positive benefits, from increased well-being, greater awareness of sustainability issues, to cross-cultural connection.”

Read the whole article on the Safeguarding Practices website: Good practice from Norway: Folk art and craft groups for youth.

Read the article by the Association for Studies of Culture and Traditions on the importance of handicraft and action-transmitted knowledge.

Together with Finnish Taito we also explored Why and how traditional folk dresses are still relevant in the 21st century? In this webinar we shared the different folk dress customs in Norway and Finland today. Finnish and Norwegian experts on the field shared their experiences and reflections on the contemporary culture and use of folk dresses.


Nordic Craft Week 2020 – Wood
In 2020 the theme for Nordic Craft Week was “wood”, and Norway’s contribution showcased the forgotten craft of split willow basket making.

When the last remaining basket weaver who mastered this technique, Arne Jensen, died in 2007, the craft was in danger of being lost. Thankfully, the basket weavers Hege Wiken and Samson Øvstebø have worked tirelessly to reconstruct these old traditional baskets. With the help of an old film clip, a few simple patterns left by Arne Jensen and patient work, they have retrieved old knowledge and given the craft a new life.

Read the article about Hege Wiken and Samson Øvstebø’s work in Norsk Husflid (Norwegian).


Nordic Craft Week 2019 – Traditional Mittens
As part of Nordic Craft Week 2019 each country published a pattern for a pair of traditional mittens. The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association created a pattern for traditional wedding mittens from Møre and Romsdal on the Westcoast of Norway. The pattern is based on mittens from the second half of the 19th century, which were likely used for special occasions like weddings and to church. The mittens are knitted with a thin 1-ply, unbleached wool yarn, with embroidered flounder edges on the cuffs and cross stitch embroidered décor.

Read more about the traditional Norwegian wedding mittens on the Red List (Norwegian).

Download all the free patterns from Nordic Craft Week 2019 here:
Mittens from Denmark – Dansk
Mittens from Denmark – English
Mittens from Estonia
Mittens from Faroe Island
Mittens from Finland – Design 1
Mittens from Finland – Design 2
Mittens from Iceland
Mittens from Norway
Mittens from Sweden


Nordic Craft Week - norsk informasjon

Nordic Craft Week er en årlig kampanje på Facebook for å feire nordisk håndverk. I en uke hver høst går de nordiske landene sammen om å vise frem sine unike håndverkstradisjoner og feire vår felles kulturarv. Nordic Craft Week ble arrangert første gang i 2018 og er et initiativ av Nordic Folk Art and Craft Federation (NFACF), Nordens Husflidsforbund.

De nordiske landene har til felles en lang håndverkstradisjon. Med Nordic Craft Week viser frem disse rike og mangfoldige tradisjonene, og deler skaperglede. I en uke hver høst strømmer det på med aktivitet på Facebook-siden Nordic Craft Week. Dette er en ressurs som blir liggende til glede og inspirasjon for alle interesserte.

Nordic Craft Week ble arrangert første gang i 2018 og er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom håndverksorganisasjonene i de nordiske landene. Sammen deltar Norges Husflidslag, Hemslöjden fra Sverige, Fora fra Danmark, Taito fra Finland, Icelandic Craft Association fra Island, Faroe Island Craft Association fra Færøyene og Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liit fra Estland. Kampanjen ble initiert av Nordic Folk Art and Craft Federation (NFACF), Nordens Husflidsforbund, som ble grunnlagt i 1927.


Følg Nordic Craft Week på Facebook.


Nordic Craft Week 2023 – Lin 

Temaet for Nordic Craft Week i 2023 er Lin. Gjennom uka vil vi bli bedre kjent med linplanten, fiberen og tekstilen—og hvordan lin blir brukt i Norden i dag. 

Lin var tidligere en stor industri i Europa. Når produksjonen av syntetiske materialer økte, og tekstilindustrien flagget ut til andre verdensdeler ble det lavere etterspørsel etter lokalproduserte naturmaterialer. Dette resulterte i en drastisk nedgang i lokale produsenter, og også de håndverkerne som var spesialiserte innenfor feltet. Uten mennesker som praktiserer kunnskapen, står den i fare for å bli glemt.

I 2019 startet svenske Hemslöjden prosjektet 1kvm lin. Med dette plantet de et frø som har vokst til en stor interesse i hele Norden—bokstavelig talt! Norge, Finland og Estland har alle egne nasjonale 1kvm lin-prosjekter. Vi ser spiren til økt interesse for planten og tekstilen, og håper dette kan være med på å bevare kunnskapen i og om linforedling for fremtiden.

FNs bærekraftmål 12, Ansvarlig forbruk og produksjon, handler om å sikre gode levekår for nåværende og framtidige generasjoner. Det innebærer å minske ressursbruken, miljøødeleggelsen og klimautslippene som samfunn og som enkeltperson. Med kunnskap om materialene du bruker og går i, som lin, er man bedre rustet til å ta gjennomtenkte valg som forbruker. Holdbart er Norges Husflidslags satsing som arbeider målrettet med materialkunnskap, bevisstgjøring av forbrukere og reparasjon av klær. 


Nordic Craft Week 2021 – Hands On
Felles for alle håndverk, er nettopp at det begynner med hendene. Med hendene holder vi materialer og redskap, og med hendene bygger vi erfaring og håndlag. Håndverk er handlingsbåren kunnskap overført gjennom generasjoner. Resultatet er den rike og mangfoldige håndverkstradisjonen vi ser gjennom alle de nordiske landene i dag.

Norges Husflidslag fremhevet spesielt arbeidet med Ung Husflid, og verdien av å dele kunnskap og skaperglede med nye generasjoner.

“Creating something with your hands and simple hand-tools gives deep satisfaction. Introducing young people to traditional handicrafts has many positive benefits, from increased well-being, greater awareness of sustainability issues, to cross-cultural connection.”

Les hele artikkelen på Safeguarding Practices: Good Practice from Norway: Folk art and craft groups for youth.
Les artikkelen om verdien av håndverk og handlingsbåren kunnskap fra Studieforbundet kultur og tradisjon.


Nordic Craft Week 2020 – Tre
I 2020 var tema for Nordic Craft Week «tre», og fra Norge ble den tradisjonelle teknikken med å flette vedmeiser trukket frem. Da Arne Jensen, den siste gjenlevende kurvmakeren som mestret teknikken, døde i 2007 sto håndverket i fare for å gå tapt. Kurvmaker Hege Wiken og Samson Øvstebø har jobbet med å rekonstruere gamle vedmeiser. Ved hjelp av et gammelt filmopptak fra Norsk Håndverksinstitutt, noen enkle oppskrifter etterlatt av Arne Jensen og tålmodig arbeid, har de gjenfunnet gammel kunnskap og gitt håndverket nytt liv.

Les om Hege Wiken og Samson Øvstebøs arbeid med meisebinding i Norsk Husflid nr. 4, 2019.


Nordic Craft Week 2019 – tradisjonelle votter
Som del av Nordic Craft Week 2019 laget hvert land oppskrift på tradisjonelle votter. Norges Husflidslag viste frem stasvotten, eller bryllupsvotten, fra Møre og Romsdal. Oppskriften er basert på votter fra siste halvdel av 1800-tallet, som trolig ble brukt til fine anledninger som i bryllup og i kirke. Vottene er strikket i tynt entrådet, ubleket ullgarn, med flosskant på mansjetten og broderi på fremsiden.

Les mer om bryllupsvotter fra Møre og Romsdal: Rødlista.
Gratis oppskrifter til vottene fra Nordic Craft Week 2019, finner du over.